Michelangelo Casting Plaster
MICHELANGELO CASTING PLASTER is an innovative synthetic resin powder that belongs to the category of synthetic or artificial plasters. It can be mixed with water in appropriate stoichiometric ratios, just like natural plasters.
Once mixed, the resulting compound becomes a fluid mass that can be easily poured into silicone rubber molds, casings, or low-pressure injection molds. The special formulation of MICHELANGELO CASTING PLASTER allows for natural and rapid drying without the need for baking. The details produced with this product are faithful to the original without any deformation or shrinkage, and can be decorated with any type of colored supply (synthetic, acrylic, solvent or water-based) and even treated in a galvanic bath.
The use of MICHELANGELO CASTING PLASTER is safe as the material is completely non-toxic and does not cause any harmful reactions during processing, contact, ingestion or ventilation. In addition, the tools used for processing can be cleaned with water.
In summary, MICHELANGELO CASTING PLASTER is an innovative product that allows for the production of faithful details with easy workability, safety of use, and the possibility of personalization. Its special features include high resistance for numerous fields of use, low expansion, biological safety for natural derivation of various components, biodegradability of the resulting artifacts, adaptability to industrial or child processing, molecular structure of the finished product similar to porcelain, no need for drying or baking, low thermal reaction peak of about 30°C, very high reproduction accuracy, possibility of mass or surface coloring, physiologically non-toxic, possibility of polishing the finished product with brushes, and possibility of galvanic finishes.
• Appearance: White powder
• Mixing ratio Powder : Water 1 Kg : 0,30 l. (2.2 lb : 10 fl oz)
• Working time Approx. 10-12 min.
• Setting time App. 15-20 min.
• Surface hardness Greater than 300 N/mm2
Usage Recommendations
• The product can be cast in any type of mold.
• Fill a container with water and sprinkle the product until it is absorbed.
• Stir by hand or with a mixer (maximum 300 revolutions per minute) for about 2 minutes.
• Be careful not to create air bubbles. For large quantities, it is recommended to use specific anti-bubble products.
• Pour the mixture into a container or use for low-pressure injection molds.
• Pot life time: approximately 10-12 minutes at 20°C.
• Mold removal time: approximately 20-40 minutes.
• Maximum hardening time after approximately 8 hours in a dryer with a maximum temperature of 40°C.
Helpful tips
• It is important to use only pure water and clean containers.
• Do not exceed the working time.
Special Advantages
• High strength of manufactured articles for numerous fields of application
• Very low expansion • Biological safety due to the natural derivation of the various components
• Biodegradability of the obtained articles
• Adaptability to both industrial or artistic processes
• Molecule structure of the finished product similar to porcelain
• No need for drying or firing • Low reaction thermal peak, about 30°C.
• Extremely high reproduction accuracy
• Possibility of mass or surface coloring
• Physiologically non-toxic
• Possibility of polishing the finished product with brushes
• Possibility of galvanic finishes
• Tools washable with water